Memberships in the El Morro Area Arts Council are essential to keeping our beloved Old School Gallery building and grounds insured, repaired, cleaned and available for multiple uses. We offer performances, workshops, classes, and more. We provide gallery space for local artists to exhibit their work and maintain an open gallery on weekends for sales.
If you value the roles the creative arts and the Old School Gallery play in the El Morro area please help us sustain our mission by becoming a member.
- Memberships allow participation in the quarterly art shows and the opportunity to sell art through the Old School Gallery.
- Members are invited to set up vendor booths at EMAAC festivals and fairs with no fee.
- Members may use the Old School Gallery space for rehearsals with only a $2 per person donation or $5 per hour.
- Members offering workshops or on-going classes for a fee are able to rent the gallery for $5 per hour.
- For members, daily rentals of the Old School Gallery are $50 per full day (non-member rate is $125)
Volunteering at EMAAC is rewarding, and enjoyable! As a volunteer you will be involved in events, festivals, fairs, and be a part of the community. If you'd like to volunteer please send us a message below!